Woman Designer Shoes Built for High Chicks

Woman Designer Shoes Built for High Chicks

Woman Designer Shoes Built for High Chicks
Do you want to learn about the different types of shoes for women? Including shoe styles, shoe names and the most current styles of shoes for women? Well, look no further!

In today’s post, I’m going to walk you through – pun intended 😉 – the various types of shoes for women.

From sneakers to ankle boots to ballerina flats, and over to lesser-known shoe styles such as barefoot shoes and huarache sandals, I've got you covered!

You’ll become familiar with all kinds of shoes and their historical origin. You'll also learn the names of all women's shoe styles and specialized shoe types.

And don’t worry – each shoe type will have a photo or sketch, so you’ll come out of this guide with visual knowledge too! 

Woman Designer Shoes Built for High Chicks
Woman Designer Shoes Built for High Chicks

Just how many different types of women's shoes are there, you ask? Let’s just say there are plenty. Probably just as many styles as there are parts of a shoe!

And by that, I mean this: as someone who's been working with shoes for over a decade, some of these types of shoes surprised even me!

Don't forget that every few years a new shoe style will pop up. So I'll keep this women's guide to shoes as current as possible. I do feel like I’m continuously discovering new kinds of shoes each day!

Woman Designer Shoes Built for High Chicks
Woman Designer Shoes Built for High Chicks
Woman Designer Shoes Built for High Chicks
Woman Designer Shoes Built for High Chicks

However, many types are shoes that go with everything and can be suited for various outfits and occasions.

If it's the various heeled shoe types for women that you're after, I've written the ultimate guide for all types of heels.

I've listed over 30 different kinds and some will surely surprise you. I know a few surprised me! 

Looking for more boots? I've also written a post about the different types of boots for women, with over 19 styles, both traditional and trendy.

For more sandals, take a peek at my guide to the different types of sandals. 
Woman Designer Shoes Built for High Chicks
Woman Designer Shoes Built for High Chicks
Woman Designer Shoes Built for High Chicks
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